Advanced Functional Materials for Robotics, Healthcare, and Sustainability

J39. Pena-Francesch A*., Zhang Z., Marks L., Cabanach P., Richardson K., Sheehan D., McCracken J., Shahsavan H., Sitti M.*, Macromolecular radical networks for organic soft magnets, Matter (2024) [cover]
J38. Roy A., Zhang Z., Eiken M., Shi A., Pena‐Francesch A.*, Loebel C.*, Programmable Tissue Folding Patterns in Structured Hydrogels, Advanced Materials 2300017 (2023)
J37. Zhang Z., Heron J.T., Pena-Francesch A.*, Adaptive magnetoactive soft composites for modular and reconfigurable actuators, Advanced Functional Materials 2215248 (2023)
J36. Yiymay T., Crespy D.*, Pena-Francesch A.*, Self‐Healing Photochromic Elastomer Composites for Wearable UV‐Sensors, Advanced Functional Materials 2213717 (2023)
J35. Jewett M.E., Hiraki H.L., Wojasiński M., Zhang Z., Xi S.S., Bluem A.S., Prabhu E.S., Wang W.Y., Pena‐Francesch A., Baker B.M.*, Rapid Magnetically Directed Assembly of Pre‐Patterned Capillary‐Scale Microvessels, Advanced Functional Materials 2203715 (2023)
J34. Hiraki H.L., Matera D.L., Wang W.Y., Prabhu E.A., Zhang Z., Midekssa F., Argento A.E., Buschhaus J.M., Humphries B.A., Luker G.D., Pena-Francesch A., Baker B.M.*, Fiber density and matrix stiffness modulate distinct cell migration modes in a 3D stroma mimetic composite hydrogel, Acta Biomaterialia 163, 378-391 (2023)
J33. Cabanach P., Garcia-Bonillo C., Kaplan R. Perez D., Borrós Salvador, Texidó R., Pena-Francesch A.*, Bacteriophobic zwitterionic/dopamine coatings for medical elastomers, Advanced Materials Interfaces (30), 2201152 (2022)
J32. Yimyai T., Pena-Francesch A.*, Crespy D.*, Reconfigurable and recyclable 3D transparent structures formed with self-healing elastomers, Macromolecular Rapid Communications 43 (23) 2200554 (2022)
J31. Lin C.H., Kinane C., Zhang Z., Pena-Francesch A.*, Functional chemical motor coatings for modular powering of self-propelled particles, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 14 (34), 39332-39342 (2022)
J30. Pinchin N., Lin C.H., Kinane C., Lin C.H., Yamada N., Pena-Francesch A.*, Shahsavan H.*, Plasticized liquid crystal networks and chemical motors for the active control of power transmission in mechanical devices, Soft Matter 18, 8063-8070 (2022)
J29. Pena-Francesch A.*, Jung H., Tyagi M. Demirel M.C., Diffusive dynamic modes of recombinant squid ring teeth proteins by neutron spectroscopy, Biomacromolecules 23.8 3165-3173 (2022)
J28. Aghakhani A., Pena-Francesch A., Bozuyuk U., Cetin H., Wrede P., Sitti M., High shear-rate propulsion of acoustic microrobots in complex biological fluids, Science Advances 8 (10) (2022)
J27. Li M.*, Pal A.*, Aghakhani A.*, Pena-Francesch A.*, Sitti M., Soft Actuators for Real-World Applications, Nature Review Materials 1-15 (2021) [*equal contribution]
J26. Zhang M.*, Shahsavan H.*, Guo Y.*, Pena-Francesch A., Zhang Y., and Sitti M., Liquid-crystal-elastomer-actuated reconfigurable microscale kirigami metastructures, Advanced Materials 2008605 (2021) [*equal contribution] [cover page]
J25. Demir S.*, Culha U.*, Karacol A., Pena-Francesch A., Trimpe S., Sitti M., Task space adaptation via the learning of gait controllers of magnetic soft millirobots, International Journal of Robotics Research (IJRR) 02783649211021869 (2021) [*equal contribution]
J24. Pena-Francesch A., Jung H., Demirel M.C., Sitti M., Biosynthetic self-healing materials for soft machines, Nature Materials 19 (11), 1230-1235 (2020).
J23. Cabanach P.*, Pena-Francesch A.*, Sheehan D., Bozuyuk U., Yasa O., Borros S., Sitti M., Giltinan J., M Sitti M., Zwitterionic 3D-printed non-immunogenic microrobots, Advanced Materials 32, (42), 2003013 (2020). [*equal contribution] [cover page]
J22. Vural M., Zhu H., Pena-Francesch A., Jung H., Allen B.D., Demirel M.C., Self-Assembly of Topologically Networked Protein-Ti3C2Tx MXene Composites, ACS Nano 14 (6), 6956-6967 (2020).
J21. Kikuchi Y., Pena-Francesch A., Vural M., Demirel M.C., Highly conductive self-healing biocomposites based on protein mediated self-assembly of PEDOT: PSS films, ACS Applied Bio Materials 3 (4), 2507-2515 (2020).
J20. Pena-Francesch A., Giltinan J., Sitti M., Multifunctional and biodegradable self-propelled protein motors, Nature Communications 10 (1), 3188 (2019).
J19. Pena-Francesch A., Demirel M.C., Squid-Inspired Tandem Repeat Proteins: Functional Fibers and Films, Frontiers in Chemistry - Polymer Chemistry 7, 69 (2019). [invited review]
J18. Tomko J.*, Pena-Francesch A.*, Jung H., Tyagi M., Allen B.D., Demirel M.C., Hopkins P.E., Tunable thermal transport and reversible thermal conductivity switching in topologically networked bio-inspired material, Nature Nanotechnology 13 (10), 959 (2018). [*equal contribution]
J17. Vural M., Pena-Francesch A., Bars-Pomes J., Jung H., Gudapati H., Hatter C.B., Allen B.D., Anasori B., Ozbolat I.T., Gogotsi, Y. Demirel M.C., Inkjet Printing of Self-Assembled 2D Titanium Carbide and Protein Electrodes for Stimuli-Responsive Electromagnetic Shielding, Advanced Functional Materials 28 (32) 1801972 (2018).
J16. Leberfinger A.N., Hospodiuk M., Pena-Francesch A., Ayan B., Ozbolat V., Koduru S., Ozbolat I.T., Demirel M.C., Ravni D.J., Squid Ring Teeth coated mesh improves abdominal wall repair, Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery – Global Open 6 (8), 1881 (2018).
J15. Pena-Francesch A., Jung H., Hickner M., Tyagi M., Allen B.D., Demirel M.C., Programmable proton conduction in stretchable and self-healing proteins, Chemistry of Materials 30, 3, 898-905 (2018).
J14. Pena-Francesch A., Jung H., Segad M., Colby R.H., Allen B.D., Demirel M.C., Mechanical properties of tandem repeat proteins are governed by network defects, ACS Biomaterials Science & Engineering 4 (3), 884-891 (2018).
J13. Rodriguez B., Jaramillo V., Wolf V., Bautista E., Portillo J., Brouke A., Min A., Melendez A., Amann J., Pena Francesch A., Ashcroft J.M., Contextualizing technology in the classroom via remote access: using space exploration themes and scanning electron microscopy as tools to promote engagement in multidisciplinary geology/chemistry experiments, Journal of Technology and Science Education 8 (1), 86-95 (2018).
J12. Pena-Francesch A.*, Domeradzka N.E.*, Jung H., Barbu B., Vural M., Kikuchi Y., Allen B.D., Demirel M.C., Research Update: Programmable tandem repeat proteins inspired by squid ring teeth, APL Materials - Special Topic: From molluscs to materials 6, 010701 (2018). [invited review] [*equal contribution]
J11. Yilmaz H., Pena-Francesch A., Shreiner R., Jung H., Belay Z., Demirel M.C., Ozdemir S.K., Yang L., (2017), Structural Protein-Based Whispering Gallery Mode Resonators, ACS Photonics 4 (9), 2179-2186 (DOI:10.1021/acsphotonics.7b00310).
J10. Vural M., Lei Y., Pena-Francesch A., Jung H., Allen B.D., Terrones M., Demirel M.C., Programmable molecular composites of tandem proteins with graphene oxide for efficient bimorph actuators, Carbon 118, 404-412 (2017). [cover page]
J9. Jung H.*, Szwejkowski C.*, Pena-Francesch A.*, Tomko J., Allen B.D., Ozdemir S.K., Hopkins P.E., Demirel M.C., Ultrafast Laser-Probing Spectroscopy for Studying Molecular Structure of Protein Aggregates, Analyst 142, 1434-1441 (2017). [*equal contribution] [cover page]
J8. Jung H.*, Pena-Francesch A.*, Saadat A., Sebastian A., Kim D.H., Hamilton R.F., Albert I., Allen B.D., Demirel M.C., Molecular tandem repeat strategy for elucidating mechanical properties of high-strength proteins, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 113 (23), 6478–6483 (2016). [*equal contribution]
J7. Gaddes D., Jung H., Pena-Francesch A., Dion G., Tadigadapa S., Dressick W.J., Demirel M.C., Self-Healing Textile: Enzyme Encapsulated Layer-by-Layer Structural Proteins, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 8 (31), 20371–20378 (2016).
J6. Sariola V.*, Pena-Francesch A.*, Jung H., Çetinkaya M., Pacheco C., Sitti M., Demirel M.C., Segmented molecular design of self-healing proteinaceous materials, Scientific Reports 5, 13482 (2015). [*equal contribution]
J5. Demirel M.C., Cetinkaya M., Pena‐Francesch A., Jung H., Recent Advances in Nanoscale Bioinspired Materials, Macromolecular Bioscience 15 (3), 300-311 (2015).
J4. Pena‐Francesch A.*, Florez S.*, Jung H., Sebastian A., Albert I., Curtis W., Demirel M.C., Materials Fabrication from Native and Recombinant Thermoplastic Squid Proteins, Advanced Functional Materials 24 (47), 7401-7409 (2014). [*equal contribution] [cover page]
J3. Pena‐Francesch A., Akgun B., Miserez A., Zhu W., Gao H., Demirel M.C., Pressure sensitive adhesion of an elastomeric protein complex extracted from squid ring teeth, Advanced Functional Materials 24 (39), 6227-6233 (2014).
J2. Pena-Francesch A., Montero L., Borrós S., Tailoring the LCST of Thermosensitive Hydrogel Thin Films Deposited by iCVD, Langmuir 30 (24), 7162-7167 (2014).
J1. Guerette P.A., Hoon S., Seow Y., Raida M., Masic A., Wong F.T., Ho V.H.B., Kong K.W., Demirel M.C., Pena-Francesch A., Amini S., Tay G.Z., Ding D., Miserez A., Accelerating the design of biomimetic materials by integrating RNA-seq with proteomics and materials science, Nature Biotechnology 31 (10), 908-915 (2013). [cover page]
Conference Proceedings (peer-reviewed)
CP3. Kinane A., Tyler K., Taub A., Pena-Francesch A*, Sustainable Materials Design in Undergraduate Engineering Education, 2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, (2023)
CP2. Yilmaz H., Pena-Francesch A., Xu L., Shreiner R., Jung H., Huang S.H., Ozdemir S.K., Demirel M.C., Yang L., Protein-based flexible whispering gallery mode resonators, SPIE OPTO Proceedings 9745, Organic Photonic Materials and Devices XVIII, 97450I (DOI:10.1117/12.2214245) (2016),
CP1. Michaels S.C., Moses K.C., Bachmann R.J., Hamilton R.F., Pena-Francesch A., Lanba A., Demirel M.C., Quinn R.D., Biomimicry of the Manduca Sexta Forewing Using SRT Protein Complex for FWMAV Development, Biomimetic and Biohybrid Systems, 86-91 (DOI:10.1007/978-3-319-22979-9_8) (2015)
P4. Demirel M.C., Pena-Francesch A., Compositions and methods related to proteins capable of reversible transition to a melt, U.S. Patent 9,663,658 (2019)
P3. Tomko J., Pena-Francesch A., Demirel M.C., Hopkins P.E., Tunable Thermal Transport and Reversible Thermal Conductivity Switching in Topologically-Networked Bio-Inspired Materials, U.S. Provisional Patent, PSU Inv. Disc. No.: 2017-4750
P2. Demirel M., Pena-Francesch A., Compositions and methods related to proteins capable of reversible transition to a melt, U.S. Patent 9,663,658 (2017)
P1. Michaels S.C., Moses K.C., Bachmann R.J., Hamilton R.F., Pena-Francesch A., Lanba A., Demirel M.C., Quinn R.D., Bioelastomeric 3-D Morphing Wings, U.S. Provisional Patent, PSU Inv. Disc. No.: 2015-4304